UnEarth Your Essence. A Guide to Your Personal Becoming
by Adam Botha
I wrote and published this book as a means to facilitate a journey to re-enliven and awaken the spirit. Written out of a deep reverence for God and gratitude for Rudolph Steiner’s work, you could say that the result is a means for a sort of “spiritual geology” of the self. The times we find ourselves in ask for a strengthening of our individual centre and will, in accordance with God’s will. But if we do not truly know who we are, why we are here, and where we are going then we risk missing our moment to step in and fully stand in our essence. “We are Originals holding an essential place in space and time, never again to be replicated or repeated in the entire Story of Creation. When the world is ready to receive your gifts and you are ready to give them, you will feel the asking as a tug within your Soul, calling you to an authentic existence full of meaning, love and purpose. Within this context there is no room for the superficial and inauthentic to exist any longer.” My deep hope is that this book will take you on a journey into self to unearth the essence of what, where and who you are. The book is available as an ebook (in pdf format) and as physical book. The ebook is available through the webmaster at R50 while the physical book is available through the author at [email protected] for R220. |