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Adam BothaDrawing, painting including photography
“The Seed” begins with a thought or feeling – is planted with the Word and requires Action to nurture it into becoming. |
Colleen van EykPaintings
"Painting has always been a passion of mine. Exploring different mediums ans techniques has over the years developed my skills and love of art. Oil paint and watercolour have now become my favorite way to express myself withing my art."
Catherine Blankfield nee Smith
Studied Make Up Artistry and Special Effects at Back Stage and Premier Pigments. 14 years in the beauty business. We all come to our salon every day because we want to solve the world’s problems, but that’s a BIG ask, even for superheroes like us. So, for now, how about we solve your problems, just for today, just for a while?
After you’ve spent a bit of time with our therapists, we guarantee you’ll leave feeling a little less frazzled, a lot less stressed, a heap more happy and drop-dead gorgeous! |
Brush Strokesan autobiographical journey by
Hanna von Maltitz It was a wonderful experience meeting Hanna, many years ago now. Since then we have become good friends, and she never ceases to astound me with her creativity, passion for Life and her deep interest in knowledge of the higher worlds. For me, she is a remarkable teacher and friend.
For anyone interested in unlocking their divinely inherited powers this is a book to enjoy. If you are looking for a real Life story of someone growing up during very interesting years in South Africa, on this mystical magical continent of Africa, it will surely unlock creative superpowers in any young person growing up. Enjoy an inspiring, courageous and creative journey. Anne-Lise Bure-Shepherd |
Adam Stuart Botha
UnEarth Your Essence. A Guide to Your Personal Becoming. Available as a pdf or as a bound book. Click to enquire and state preference. I wrote and published this book as a means to facilitate a journey to re-enliven and awaken the spirit.
Written out of a deep reverence for God and gratitude for Rudolph Steiner’s work, you could say that the result is a means for a sort of “spiritual geology” of the self. The times we find ourselves in ask for a strengthening of our individual centre and will, in accordance with God’s will. But if we do not truly know who we are, why we are here, and where we are going then we risk missing our moment to step in and fully stand in our essence. My deep hope is that this book will take you on a journey into self to unearth the essence of what, where and who you are. |
"We are Originals holding an essential place in space and time, never again to be replicated or repeated in the entire Story of Creation. When the world is ready to receive your gifts and you are ready to give them, you will feel the asking as a tug within your Soul, calling you to an authentic existence full of meaning, love and purpose. Within this context there is no room for the superficial and inauthentic to exist any longer.”
Click to enlarge
Basil Gibaud Memorial Library and Bookshop"Rudolf Steiner wrote some 30 books and delivered over 6000 lectures sharing his insights and method of accessing his knowledge. His writings and lectures present his research into the spiritual nature of the human being, the evolution of the world and humanity, methods of personal development, art and the implementation of his ideas into practical life. Also available are publications by subsequent researchers."
Building material
BosunDavid Wertheim-Aymes
Concrete paving, kerbs and retaining walls "Bosun is a premier manufacturer of concrete paving, kerbs and retaining wall blocks in Gauteng. We offer a wide range of unique products in various shapes, sizes and colours direct to the public."
SmartStoneDavid Wertheim-Aymes
Stone paving, cladding and landscape products "Paving doesn’t have to be bricks. SmartStone is a manufacturer of simulated stone paving, cladding and landscaping products. Our products are renowned for their natural beauty, yet engineered quality."
Charitable organisations
MaTiga FundReturning South Africa to its blueprint of collective well-being.
It works through small monthly donations, community engagement and social mobilisation. Real-world programmes, projects and apprenticeships are funded. Read an article. |
Candice Goldstein
Fresh vegan plant-based nutritious foods Raw cuisine preparation selects plant-based ingredients in their most whole natural state and crafts them to maintain their nutritional value. The result is magical delicious living food which sustains our health and planet.
Getting back to the power of nature has become a necessary step towards transforming a processed food system which is failing our health and our environment! Shop in Linden, Johannesburg. |
See web for list of products
Health & Wellbeing
Nia Agape StudioKaryn Cardoso
Moving into health and wellbeing with Nia classes Nia is a gentle, holistic form of exercise that combines dance arts, martial arts and healing arts. It empowers all people by engaging all the senses and connecting body, mind and spirit. Step into your own JOY-filled journey and experience how your Nia practice will transform your body and your life.
Life Coaching
iWalkAwakeAdam Botha
"Re-empower yourself to live the life of your highest potential with iWalkAwake LifeCoaching"
Medical Practitioners
Dr Susan Goslett ChiropracticDr Susan Goslett
Registered Chiropractor, MTech Chiropractic (UJ) Neurologically-based, soft-touch techniques, specialises in pregnant ladies and babies “Neurologically-based chiropractors that have a particular focus on optimal function of the nervous system. Our advanced, internationally-taught techniques and methods of adjustment not only suit patients that seek a chiropractor as a result of pain, but also lend themselves to those that are looking to improve their general state of physiological well being.”
Nature Reserve
Moorfield Mountain FarmThomas and Sonnya Holtz
Accommodation, day visits, walks, swimming, horse trails, abseiling, events, conferencing "Moorfield Mountain Farm, primarily a nature reserve, off Muller’s Pass is now open to overnight and day visitors and campers interested in enjoying the superb walks up into the hills and spectacular clambering and swimming down into the valley and kloof of the Ncandu River."
Jane McKenzieNutrition Consulting Pharmacist and self-sustaining naturalist
"My passion is to bring awareness to people of the necessity to be self-sustaining. By taking responsibility, as humans, to integrate the earth, plants, animals and ourselves as part of Living Sphere."
Be Relevant PlacementsChandré Wertheim Aymes
Recruitment and Staff placements "At Be Relevant Placements we understand that only by you offering relevance to the market efficiently can the success of your organisation be maintained. We know that to sustain this success flexibility and innovation is imperative. Only your people can help you do this.
Our commitment to: The employer is to pollinate your team with people that will bring the needed balance and skill to enhance your capacity to be relevant and efficient. The job seeker is to enhance your ability to grow and learn while contributing to the success of the organisation." |
Speech and Voice Coaching |
Staff Placements |
Speech'nTeachGillian Rosenberg
Speech and Voice Coaching "Your voice is your most powerful communication tool, which represents all that is YOU. Learn to use it effectively, creatively and harmoniously.
Be Relevant PlacementsChandré Wertheim Aymes
Recruitment and Staff placements "At Be Relevant Placements we understand that only by you offering relevance to the market efficiently can the success of your organisation be maintained. We know that to sustain this success flexibility and innovation is imperative. Only your people can help you do this.
Our commitment to: The employer is to pollinate your team with people that will bring the needed balance and skill to enhance your capacity to be relevant and efficient. The job seeker is to enhance your ability to grow and learn while contributing to the success of the organisation." |
Teaching and Tutoring
Speech'nTeachGillian Rosenberg
Teaching and Tutoring "Maths: Grade 1 - 6
Tutoring Teaching English to non-mother-tongue English speakers" |
Water Quailty
Quantum Wai - Structured WaterWulf Knausenberger
Units that structure water using flow-forms "Treat yourself and your loved ones to the surprising and limitless benefits of this dynamic enhanced water. Experience what it does to your energy levels and the taste of beverage or anything you cook with water.
"From the website download studies and click the image alongside to download an information brochure." |