by Jane Fox (May 2020)
Johannesburg Autumnal 2020 twang of racquets yellow shuttlecock flying Sirius leaping piggyinthemiddle leaping and shouting from the tattered pink couch on my back stoep I watch them trying to make him sit trees secretly shake themselves a small slow rain amber russet tawny gold falls through the still air car races past driver revving like a maniac peace shot to pieces every day same time sets the hadedas going sets them flapping and screaming for safety for a moment all is riot and anarchy I lift tea to mouth tea to mouth notice the frayed sleeve of my old anorak comforting passers-by on the road a Mum a Dad a pushchair and two small dogs on leads in hackled fury Sirius and Harry bolt for the fence “MARAUDERSFOREIGNERSVANDALSRAPISTSTHIEVES” the walkers go serenely on their dogs know how to behave small breeze founders the shuttlecock sun sinks lower behind the western ridge I gather up mug and cushion prepare to go inside woodsmoke drifts up from the valley they are lighting fires down by the river all day they have been queueing for food parcels it will be a cold night Venus shines out silver in a pink sky must go inside now