by John-Peter Gernaat
Joachim posed the question: What is a king? He took us into the history of humanity through the Old Testament. Enoch and Noah still had undiminished clairvoyance and acted in accordance with the Spiritual World. After them, the Patriarchs no longer had the same clairvoyance, but they were able to have conversations with God. With time our consciousness emerged. Moses was the first leader to show human consciousness. The Judges received messages from an angel; conversations with God were no longer possible. Samuel was the first Man of God, he acted as the messenger of God, no longer an angel. Samuel anointed Saul as the first king. This was a new step for the Spiritual World – having a king on earth who longer had a connection to the Spiritual World. Saul had to fight to remain human. His soul was pulled in diabolical directions manifested by his moods. David was the first human with his Thinking, Feeling and Willing fully engaged in the task of kingship. Joachim showed us an image of Michelangelo’s David facing Goliath. He looks balanced but also vulnerable. That vulnerability develops when he takes the wife of another man. From David there are two lines of decendants we see represented in the New Testament. The line from David’s son Nathan is represented in the Gospel of Luke and the line from Solomon is represented in the Gospel of Matthew. In the Solomon line the Babylonian exile is a key milestone. Joseph, the son of David, heads a wealthy family. He is the prince in the House of David. So when Jesus is born, a crown prince to the throne of David is born. Only the Essene community may have celebrated this event, not the ordinary citizens of Israel, or Herod. The historian Josephus tells us that Herod sowed enmity with the Jewish people. He was also desperate to hold onto power and had his own sons murdered. He was a thorough materialist. He had his own secret police. Herod used the Chief Priests and Scribes to institutionalise his power among the Jews. It is into this world that the Priest Kings arrive. The Scribes bring information which is analysed to determine the location of the birth. This is the first mention of the tool of analysis in human development. Why does Heron send the Priest Kings to Bethlehem instead of going himself? He fears the child after all and wants it dead. The Priest Kings were highly initiated into the religion of Zoroaster. They were true kings over themselves. Zoroastrianism had taught them to look to the stars to know when the next appearance of Zoroaster would occur. These kings stand as representatives of the earlier Cultural Epochs:
Why these gifts? The Priest Kings knew that Thinking, Feeling and Willing had been developed through the Cultural Epochs to their highest form under the guidance of Lucifer. A new impulse was needed to develop these qualities further. This impulse would come from the being Zarathustra spoke of as Ahura Mazda. It is Lucifer that guided the kings to Herod. On meeting the child, it is independent thinking that brings these kings the insight to go home another way.
The Priest Kings offer Thinking, Feeling and Willing to the baby Jesus – to the Christ. What does it mean today when we offer our Thinking, Feeling and Willing to Christ? We will experience that the adversary powers will present counter-ideas to distract us. Bringing our ideals into reality is the real communion for our time. When we act from the place of “not I, but Christ in me”. In a side note after the talk, Joachim mentioned that the lineage of the Solomon child, into which the spirit of Zarathustra incarnated, had to be free of the development of Lucifer in order for the child to offer his soul to the Nathan child at the age of twelve when the Nathan child visits the Temple with his parents and is found among the scribes answering questions with great insight. He also mentioned who the Priest Kings has been in their previous incarnation.
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