by Robyn de Klerk
I imagine that "this year" is a first for our planet and our solar system. As the multitude of far-reaching effects continue to develop around the world it has never been more important to think in a new way. If we are to evolve we need to imagine ways of doing things differently. And in order for these to bear fruit they need to be held within a meaningful context - a context that includes both time and space, and the boundless and eternal. Having passed from our image-imbued connection with the spiritual worlds to our ability to be self-aware and think clearly as individual beings we have attained the possibility of freedom. The purpose of this Freedom is to develop Love. While we are here upon our Earth for our life of time we are given a precious opportunity: a chance to do something that, as I understand it, we can only do here: Change. Aside from the times, I am inspired to mention this through a number of experiences in this community that I wish to share with us. Firstly, from remembering Steffen's talk given last September on the theme of Imagining the picture of Michael as a guide to fulfilling our task in modern life. In this talk he spoke about the importance of Imagination to balance the past and create the future. One of the references in this talk was to a book written by Michael Ende called The Neverending Story. In this tale the young hero has to fight and pass through the great Nothing and by doing so discovers that he has the seeds to create a new world. I found a copy of the book for Sophia, who wished to read it, and have since found a copy of another one of his books called Momo (also known as The Grey Gentlemen). Please let me know if you would like to borrow either of them. They are both good adventures. Another inspiration came from re-reading Ulrich and Brigitte's farewell poem to us where they speak of how spiritual beings offer up their substance so that the world can continue to exist. Awareness of this - which requires the work of Imagination - can lead to a deep sense of gratitude and awaken in us the impulse to treat our fellow humans and all beings with love and generosity. Through doing this we can bring joy to these beings who make our life possible. Also, in our explorations through the discourses of Michaël Merle, contemplations from Reingard and our most recent community gathering the importance and potential of exercising and strengthening this creative capacity for Imagination has been gently and earnestly present. Imagination becomes Revelation - a place where something can come to meet us from the future. And, finally, a particular inspiration comes from Eileen Tippett. I did not know her well but she was in my periphery for a good while. I planted some of the snapdragon seeds handed out at her funeral and being a longterm budding gardener it's always a bit of a gamble on what will actually come up. A snapdragon plant did rise out of the ground and despite some plumbing work and the area being dug up, it survived and continued to grow throughout the whole of winter. It is still going. One long stem, over a metre tall, with blooms that have turned to seedpods lower down, continues to flower and strive towards the sky. A good imagination for right now. At her funeral I was particularly drawn to a prayer by Adam Bittleston which was printed on the last page of her funeral booklet. It was taken from her diary and I have since written it in at the back of mine - which is how I came across it recently as we are nearly at the end of "this year". I share it here: When we go out into the world as we have made it, Everywhere there speaks to us forgetfulness of the Spirit. If human work were to be without love The Earth would become a bleak and barren desert. Through forgetfulness of the Spirit Love ebbs away. Bring to mind in us, O Christ, Inspirer of true human love, How we have come to the Earth From the fields of light, From the heights of the Spirit. May remembrance of God Grow strong in our souls, Overcoming the mists Which hide from us the purpose In the work of each day. (by Adam Bittleston from Meditative Prayers for Today)
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