by John-Peter Gernaat
In April, over two Sundays, Rev. Michaël Merle presented ‘sketches’ of many of the Christian denominations that abound in the world today. We learned a little about each, from the original church that split into the Orthodox Church centred in Constantinople and the Roman Catholic Church centred in Rome, to the churches that split from the eastern church, to the Protestant Reformation and the denominations that arose from the Reformed thinking, to the proliferation of denominations that split from the Protestant founding leaders, to the more modern individuals who felt called to form a church of their own. The purpose was to learn that each denomination has identifying characteristics, that often lives in their theology, by which one can recognise the denomination, how it expresses in the world and what the members say about themselves and their relationship to the Divine. The question then arises as to how we understand ourselves and would describe ourselves. Very few people know anything about The Christian Community when they first encounter it, unlike many other denominations where most people hold some picture. How would we answer when asked who we are? Would the answer from different people provide the same picture? In this discussion the aim was to establish a set of characteristics that we all identify with and can speak about to establish for others who we are. These views express what was shared by the congregants in the discussion:
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